Sunday, October 20, 2013


Gryffindor - 10 weeks

This is our new cat Gryffindor.  His is almost 11 weeks old in this picture.  He is really, really sweet and little.

He is named Gryffindor "Gryffin", yes, after Harry Potter's house at Hogwarts.  Anna and I are big Harry Potter fans.

I did think Tiger Lilly would be a cute name if we named radar Captain Hook and if Gryffin was a girl, but he is not.  Although Gracie constantly calls him "she" (which is understandable because he is small and dainty).

Or if we had named Radar Midnight we could call him Twilight, but again, Radar is Radar, so that won't work.

Anyway, speaking of Radar he is kind of mad at us, but at least isn't trying to eliminate Gryffin anymore.  Radar might not be speaking to us, but he will at least let us feed him three times a day.

Gryffin is scared of Max, but seems to be doing better.  As you can see, he is starting to snuggle with Max.

The girls are doing well with the Gryffin.  He certainly still gets LOTS of attention, but they are getting better about sharing him.  And Gryffin is VERY tolerant of the girls and amazingly doesn't hid very often.  He actually seems to really enjoy being held all the time by Gracie, Maddie is another matter, and Gracie is a kitty hog, so poor Anna really doesn't get much kitty time.  But I will say, Gracie is very good at carrying him.

Will Gryffindor survive kittyhood?

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