Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Tree Tradition

Every year we go on the day after Thanksgiving we go pick out a Christmas tree.  It is so much fun, we go to a Christmas tree farm, bring our own axe, ride on a horse and buggy to the tree lot, pick out the perfect tree, and then drink hot chocolate.  Yeah right!  We go to the Christmas tree farm (Lowes) and pick out a tree.  We are actually pretty quick and good at picking out a tree (although apparently we underestimated our ceiling height and our tree could have been a foot higher.  But it does look good and I didn't have to pay for a taller tree, cha-ching!  Everyone is happy).  We chop down our tree, (grab from the stand, who is anyone kidding there is no way we could bring an axe and kids anywhere together someone would definitely lose a body part) and the tree does some twirling, which the girls looove, since they feel twirling should be incorporated into everything and then we put it into the carriage (Joe's arms).  We get some hot chocolate (gatorade) some other things we need for the house (the list never ceases) and go home.  It may not be a Norman Rockwell painting, but it is fun and usually quick (which minimizes the chance of breakdowns), so we will be sticking with it!

Does this tree look good?  I don't know about the tree, but that lady and her angels look pretty darn cute!

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