Tuesday, March 25, 2014

February Highlights

Trying to catch up to date with what we have been doing....

Mom and Uncle John at the beach

In February, my Uncle John (John Garabedian), his daughter Amy, and Amy's daughter Jackie, went on a road trip and stopped in Charleston for a couple of nights. It was great to see them and we are glad they decided to get in the car and head south.

We went to a fundraiser for Anna's school which was an oyster roast at Goldbug Island. It was fun and great oyster roast weather. The only challenges we had were that the bidding was done online and Joe's phone died toward the end because of the battery drain and we had these really competitive, annoying parents, who outbid us on the one auction item we really want. Not only did they outbid on that, but they also bought a bunch of other things, which really ticked me off. Is it so hard to let some other people win? Just wait until next year......I have a plan.......I will not lose.......we will be armed with at least two phones......

Anna had a sleepover at her school. She had so much fun! The theme was Charlotte's web and they watched the movie and played games. I went to help set up, that really annoying parent who beat me out of the auction item I wanted was there being bossy. I would like to tie her up in Charlotte's web.

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