Monday, September 2, 2013

10 Years!!!!!

Joe and Mandy in San Francisco - July 2012
On August 16th, Joe and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary!  Yay!  (I know that I am using a picture from last year, but as you know, being mom and the picture taker, I never make it into the picture.  Someday, when someone is researching ancestry, my name will be "who is that?".)

Anyway, I am very proud of Joe and I.  I think we are a pretty top notch couple.

Are we perfect?  Is our relationship perfect? No, because who or what is?  But it has to be pretty darn close.  We know how to work together through both stressful and good times, and we make a great team!  We have fun together!

 Also, we are very happy with each other and with our relationship.  A friend said to Joe not to long ago, "Joe, you are my only married friend that is happy".  While, some of that statement may not be true, I am sure that there are other happily married men, what I can say is true is this, that 10 years after our wedding day, we are still in love, committed to each other, and happy.

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