Last Thursday Anna's teachers Mr. Scott and Miss Karen invited all the families of the kids in the classroom to the school to have a "get to know you" night. They may have actually called it "Growing the Community" because the goals were for everyone to get acquainted and to help with planting and cleaning up the lower school garden. Plus, they are big on the idea that the kids in the classroom and school are part of a community.
All the kids had a great time catching toads, lizards, and any other reptile that unwillingly landed in a small persons hands. Eventually, most of the kids got involved including Gracie who loves anything of that nature. Well, there was another little girl there, we won't name names, we will call her The Captain. The Captain decided that Gracie was not allowed to try to catch anything because "she was not in the business".
Poor little Gracie was so upset by this and just determined to show The Captain that she was par for the job. So Joe and Gracie tried their darnedest to catch some unsuspecting lizards so Gracie could once again be part of the group.
Well, Gracie and Joe didn't catch anything that night, BUT the other day they found a pretty cool snail in the yard. I took a few fabulous pictures with my camera whose memory card happen to still be in the computer, oops. It was a small slimy brown snail with a long brown shell. So I say, "take that Captain! Guess whose in the business now!"
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